March 16, 2012

birthday giveaway

greetings from planet barf. the stinky place between bed and bathroom where strange stuff just keeps coming up. hence no knitting here lately. remember to wash your hands, people.

now that the gross part is done.

this blog was rather immaculately conceived exactly one year ago. a lot of completely irrelevant and boring stuff has been said. stuff that only vaguely relates to knitting. and stuff that does relate to knitting but in a fashion that i hardly imagined would interest anyone. but apparently i have some surprisingly magnetic tractor beam-like qualities which forces some of you oddballs to keep coming back. for which i both apologize and skip around triumphantly.

so to celebrate your loyalty and persistence as well as my own, i'm throwing a sequel to my christmas giveaway!

the grand prize is...

this once-in-a-lifetime baby from the finnish fibre artist ilu, who dyes her unique colorways in tiny batches at her studio in pukkila. they're virtually impossible to get both outside finland and in, as the batches usually sell out before you even realize the shop's been updated. you may begin gasping in awe now.

the yarn is a fingering weight 100% merino, running a full 400 meters per 100 gram hank, in a gorgeous shade called "matkustaa" that mixes lovely fresh mints and greens with subtle greys. a perfect reminder that spring is coming - and perfect for any one-skein project you might have.

do i even need to remind you that you probably won't find this yarn, in this colorway, anywhere, ever?

all you have to do is leave a comment, preferably one that makes some sense, by 11am (CET) tuesday, march 20. the winner will be randomly selected and notified the next day. that's it!

good luck and may indeed the luckiest bastard win!

oh, and check out the new brooklyn tweed collection. i already got me the winter seasons kit. because i need to finally fondle the loft yarn in person. despite the $13 shipping charge. jared and his f***ing flagship stores.


  1. Ooooh goodness, that is beautiful. Hoooly crap.
    I love the new BT collection too. But I mean, I think everyone does.

  2. congrats! $13 shipping?! yikes..i love love love jared floods pattern collections but im put off by how scratchy his yarn felt when i squeezed it..i havent felt loft yet...maybe its softer

  3. Happy anniversary! What a lovely giveaway! The new BT collect is so very pretty. Boo to the high shipping charges! I hope you get to enjoy the lovely yarn when it does arrive!

    Ravelry ID: kellknit

  4. oh holy sheep. i am in love with that yarn! happy birthday to your wonderful blog!!! weeeeee!!!! it's just a wee bit older than mine! so maybe that makes us sisters? kind of?
    anyways. hurrah for yarn! and feel better soon. xoxoxo

  5. Happy blogversary! That yarn is beautiful! ravID mayapof

  6. yum, finnish yarn. sorry about the puke. happy blogiversary.

  7. I bow to your generosity, I gave away nothing for my one-year anniversary, and I have to say, you must be out of your mind to be giving away that yarn! Seriously, have you seen it???
    Then again, I won your last give-away, so who am I to complain?
    And that makes me think, is it even fair of me to participate? I think yes, cause I am a selfish knitter and a yarn-hoarder anyway, especially if it looks that good!
    Hope you get to leave planet barf soon!

  8. Holy shit on a stick! You're crazy!! That is one gorgeous skein of yarn that I've been drooling over ever since you posted that photo of your craft show purchases!! How could you let such a beautiful yarn leave your hands???? You.are.crazy!

    But Happy Blogiversary!! ;)
